Principal Research Fellow
Snežana obtained a PhD in Molecular Biology in 2003. She performed experimental work for PhD thesis at Muscle Molecular Biology Unit, International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology – ICGEB, Trieste, Italy, under supervision of Georgine Faulkner. Snežana is a senior scientist with 30 years of research experience and almost 20 years of work in the field of muscle molecular biology. She has a strong aspiration for basic science. Most of her work is dedicated to investigation of structure and function of the muscle regulators with ankyrin repeats (MARPs) in humans and different animal model organisms, including zebrafish. She has expertise in various methods related to protein research, cell culture and confocal microscopy. With her team Snežana established a zebrafish facility at IMGGE, and transferred methodology related to zebrafish research, including CRISPR/Cas9 directed mutagenesis and generation of transgenic lines. In free time she enjoys the peace of nature and tries new recipes.